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Passive Enrollment Campaign

Initiative: Notify participants of their automatic enrollment in our 401(k) management service. Through thoughtful messaging and design, we want to reassure participants that we’re looking out for their best interests by enrolling them in our service, Professional Management. Elevate the deliverables in this campaign to reflect a new brand voice, tone, and design to entice more sponsors to adopt our passive enrollment strategy.


  • Notify participants of their automatic enrollment in our 401(k) management service. Through thoughtful messaging and design, we want to reassure participants that we’re looking out for their best interests by enrolling them in our service, Professional Management. Elevate the deliverables in this campaign to reflect a new brand voice, tone, and design to entice more sponsors to adopt our passive enrollment strategy.


  • How can we leverage these deliverables to entice more sponsors to adopt our passive enrollment strategy?
  • Usually, the purpose of our communications is to spur action – call an advisor, sign up for our services, get a special offer. But for this campaign, the only action they could take is to decline the service if they do not want to be automatically enrolled. How do we ensure they do not opt out?
  • We are legally required to send these communications to participants to alert them of their automatic enrollment in our service. How do we ensure participants that this is a positive action?


  • Use a combination of direct mail, email, and landing pages to help our audience understand the benefits of Professional Management and heighten our credibility as an advice partner.
  • Encourage the audience to reflect on their own capability to manage their assets. Are they doing what’s best for their future? Establish trust and faith in our expertise, helping participants feel safe in our hands.
  • Use reassuring language to flip the narrative – ensuring participants that we’re enrolling them because we truly believe this will benefit their financial futures.


  • Leaning into the concept of gaining a partner to help you along your entire financial journey. We know that many people find financial planning overwhelming, but getting expert help can take a lot of the weight off their shoulders.
  • Keeping copy short, crisp, and engaging while weaving in all the benefits of working with Edelman Financial Engines.